I returned to work and I've already completed 3 weeks back on the job. The transition actually went smoother than I had feared, but it wasn't completely seamless. Annalise previously shunned bottles; during these 3 weeks she has started accepting them. However, she only took 4 oz per day during the first 1.5 weeks. This week she has ranged from 4 oz to 8 oz per day. These are usually 8 hour days, so 4 oz is probably way too little. I think she actually lost some weight during the first week or so, so I'm hoping that she'll start gaining again soon. She was 11 lbs 7 oz and at her 2 month week appointment, and my stupid digital scale is still measuring her in the 12 lb range a full month later. Granted, the "weigh mommy-and-baby, then weigh mommy and substract method" is probably not very accurate, so who knows... My friend has a digital scale so I may see where she is this weekend.
Pumping is going well. I can easily get 12-14 oz during the day and since she is only drinking 4-8 oz... well, my freezer is running out of space! I have actually looked online about breastmilk donation but I fear that she'll suddenly decide she wants more and then I won't have a stash to fall back on.
She has been rolling over tummy to back since 11 weeks old, but she doesn't do it at all consistently. She has rolled over about 8 times total, but I think it is accidental when it happens.
I love the vocalizations at this age. The other night we were treated to a whole bunch of cooing in our dark room at about 5AM. She is still in the bedside PnP, but I think we're going to transition to the crib next week. Oh, and she now wakes 2x/night instead of 1x/night. I'm attributing it to being hungry due to not eating enough during daytime hours. It doesn't really bother me too much...(probably I feel guilty about work or something). Anyway, I kinda like picking her squirmy 90% sleepy self up at 3AM and holding her close for a feed, and then rocking and lulling her back to sleep...
I also must say that S is a
great dad! When he is in charge of her, his attention is almost always 100% focused on her and interacting with her. (I can't say the same for myself... On the other hand, I do have her a lot more hours overall, so it probably evens out).
We feel so lucky to have her, and we both love her so very much!!